Starstone Software Systems, Inc. 

Where Science Rocks! 

Red tent under the stars

Starstone Software produces software and media for amateur and professional astronomers. This includes books, digital imagery, works for publication, and both commercial and open source software for most computing and mobile platforms. Current and past projects/products are listed on the Open Source and Products pages. 



I'm very active in the astronomy community, and I am a Contributing Editor with     Sky & Telescope Magazine. Check out my astrophotography blog, books, etc. at I also still  do technical consulting for vendors in that community, and spent over 20 years working for companies like Starry Night. and       Software Bisque. Watch for new open source and commercial projects along these lines from time to time now from Starstone!

OpenGL & Vulkan Consulting

If you need 3D graphics help with OpenGL or Vulkan projects on any platform, I've thrown my hat in with the fine folks over at LunarG, Inc. and no longer do independent contract development here. LunarG however (and me) will be happy to discuss your project needs in detail there. 

Privacy Policy 

No cookies, no targeted ads, no user tracking. This web site does not track you in any way and report it back to Starstone, nor do my software products. I'm old school that way. Note that opt-in  diagnostic crash information may be collected by Apple on their platforms and aggregated for debugging purposes without any personal identifiying information. It's reasonable to assume that if your software crashes, you'd like me to be able to figure out why.

To contact me about business matters or Starstone product support email me here: